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Central Imaging Core Lab
Converting Performance Difference to Outcome Difference
Input Example: Comparison of AI-assisted diagnosis (intervention) and conventional diagnosis (control)
ΔSensitivity % Sensitivity of AI-assisted diagnosis - Sensitivity of conventional diagnosis, for example, 5.0%
ΔSpecificity % Specificity of AI-assisted diagnosis - Specificity of conventional diagnosis, for example, -0.5%
Disease prevalence % to % For example, 5 to 8%.
In case of a single value instead of a range, put in the same value for both boxes, for example, 5 to 5%.
FP-to-TP outcome ratio to The ratio between the absolute amounts of net loss in patient outcome incurred by an FP decision instead of leaving the patient alone and net outcome gain provided by a TP decision compared with neglecting the disease in the patient, for example, 0.05 to 0.1.
In case of a single value instead of a range, put in the same value for both boxes, for example, 0.1 to 0.1.

Taking surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma as an example, the ratio is A/B as shown below.

A: Absolute amount of net outcome loss in a single FP patient = (negative consequences of unnecessary follow-up imaging tests, such as adverse effects from contrast agents, radiation exposure, and waste of time and money) + (harm from any invasive procedures that may follow the FP decision, such as liver biopsy) + (harm from unnecessary treatments) + (emotional distress) - (a slim theoretical benefit, such as an incidental detection of unrelated significant diseases on the follow-up tests)

B: Absolute amount of net outcome gain in a single TP patient = (earlier diagnosis of the tumor, which may improve patient survival and allow for less invasive treatments with less treatment-related harm compared with later-stage diagnoses) - (small potential harm, such as adverse effects from treatments)

Citation: Park SH, Sul AR, Han K, Sung YS. How to determine if one diagnostic method, such as an artificial intelligence model, is superior to another: beyond performance metrics. Korean J Radiol 2023;24(7):601-605